You can make a difference. For just $25 you can cover the cost of one mile of our journey. The price of a few happy hour drinks will feed us for a day. The equivalent of dinner and a movie would give us clean drinking water for a week at sea. There is no donation too small, and certainly none too great. Contributions may be either financial or through your time, service, and products. Everything is appreciated and nothing goes unnoticed.
How much is a cleaner ocean worth?
Your donation allows us to make this voyage possible, as well as fund cleanup efforts around the world. If you wish to take your contribution a step further by becoming a sponsor, please visit our Partners page.
501c3 Tax Exempt number: 26053601001805
We thank you.
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Tell your friends and family about this voyage. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as we train, prepare, and eventually embark on our journey to make the world a better place for all.